Uplive: Week 5

Uplive: Week 5

In this post we are going to uncover one of the simplest, yet most effective upgrades we can make: breathing. Integrating specific breathing techniques into your daily routine can significantly impact your health, mood, and overall life quality. Keeping with the Uplive theme of minimal effort for maximum reward, we will focus on three simple techniques: 1) start your day with Wim Hof breathing; 2) end your day with Kundalini breathing; 3) use Buteyko breathing while sleeping.


Starting your day with Wim Hof breathing can energize and prepare you for the day ahead. This technique, developed by the Iceman Wim Hof, involves a series of controlled deep breaths followed by a retention phase where you hold your breath. But the method boils down to the following:

  • Get comfortable and away from disturbance.
  • Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale unforced; repeat 30-40 cycles.
  • After the last exhale, hold your breath until you feel the urge to breathe.
  • Inhale deeply and hold for 10-15 seconds, then exhale.

This practice can enhance focus, reduce stress, and boost your immune system. It's like hitting a reset button for your body and mind.


Ending your day with Kundalini breathing can be a perfect way to relax and release tension. This form of breathwork, rooted in Kundalini Yoga, focuses on releasing the remains of the day rather than allowing it to fester within you. The practice can be summarized as follows:

  • Dim or shut off the lights and sit legs crossed in bed. You can also lie down.
  • Inhale deeply through the nose, imagining you are gathering the energy to let out a primal roar from the base of your spine. As you exhale, don't think, just exhale. The release will happen all on it's own.
  • Maintain a steady rhythm and focus on, well, focus on nothing. Just be.

This practice aids in calming the mind, improving sleep quality, and promoting a sense of inner peace.


An effective method to improve your breathing during sleep is mouth taping, a low-effort intro to Buteyko breathing exercises. Mouth taping involves gently taping the mouth shut to encourage nasal breathing, which can lead to better sleep quality and possibly reduced snoring. I know what you're thinking, but as our moms used to say to us: don't knock it 'till you've tried it.

  • Use a gentle, hypoallergenic tape appropriate for this purpose.
  • Apply a small amount of lip balm if desired.
  • Place a small piece of tape over your mouth.
  • Fall asleep as normal (other than the tape that's on your mouth).

Mouth taping can enhance oxygen absorption, regulate breathing patterns, and improve overall sleep quality.


There are hundreds of breathing techniques, and in this post I curated the three that I think will move the dial most for you. Start slowly, be consistent, and listen to your body. Over time, you'll likely notice improvements in your energy levels, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Remember, the key to unlocking the power of breathwork is - like in all things - consistency.

Uplive. Life. Upgraded.
